Project: PAIN FREE
Funding framework: European Program Erasmus+ Sport
Project Identification: 101133560
Implementation period: January 2024 to December 2025
Project Coordinator: Faculty of Health Studies - Croatia
Project Partners:
- L'Orma - Education, Sport and Social Innovation - Italy (It)
- Resource Centre for Health Promotion - France (Fr)
- Federation "Sport for All" - Bulgaria (Bul)
- European Platform for Sport and Innovation - Belgium (Bel)
- Independent Trade Union Confederation - FETICO
Project Objectives:
✔ To identify existing knowledge on back pain and develop an innovative method for the prevention and self-care of back pain.
✔ To develop an educational program on back pain to improve understanding of its origins and relevant skills, as well as a self-care strategy to manage it through physical activity and sport.
✔ To carry out training sessions on self-management of back pain by a professional group of sports operators, sports monitors and coaches, and medical experts in back pain.
Project beneficiaries:
Workplace participants: employees and employers
Professionals from Sport (operators, instructors, and trainers) and health sector: Medical experts, physiotherapists, occupational health experts.
Activities and expected Results:
- Study on ways to foster a healthy lifestyle in workplaces and encourage physical exercise and sport that will improve health.
- Design of a training program for the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases where users may obtain evidence-based knowledge on back pain prevention and self-management through physical activity and sport.
- Development of an App with a compilation of digital contents on healthy living, physical activity, sport, and its relationship with the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases
A variety of events will take place at national and European level during the celebration of the annual EU Sport Week 2024 and 2025.