Confederación Sindical Independiente - Fetico was created in 1978 to represent and defend the interests of Spanish employees in the commerce sector. Since then, Fetico has become one of the main union in Spain with more than 70.000 affiliates in 2022 workers from all sectors of the economy and representation in more than 200 companies most of them big companies and multinationals but also SMEs. Due to this multi-sectoral structure in 2019 Fetico became a Confederation of Trade Unions.

Fetico has national scope, the Confederation brings together 14 regional federations. Its head office is in Madrid where work more than 50 people but our organization has representation in all the Spanish regions and offices in more than 31 cities.

Don't wait any longer to
join the country's leading

trade union.


Fetico is a workers' union where everyone has a place, whether they are rank and file staff, coordinators, managers or directors.

We are a growing family, with representation in more than 320 companies and more than 74.000 members in 2.124 companies. Our more than 6.200 delegates are at your disposal, independence and detachment from political ideas are our hallmarks, making Fetico the best option to defend your rights.

Fetico is the leading independent private sector trade union in the country.

We are a modern, values-driven, people's union.

More than 74.000 workers recommend
a new trade union model.

+ Wages

+ Conciliation

- Working hours

Because the most important thing
is your happiness.


Legal Services

We have a team of 40 lawyers
at your disposal free
of charge.

We know the reality by
being in contact with you.

Placement agency

Our placement agency has the
best job offers in cooperation with
the biggest employer in the
country: RANDSTAD

Discounts in Tuyou

In the best brands and APP
with geolocation of offers
in your area.

More than 1000 discounts

Free dental cleaning
every year

In addition to special prices on a multitude
of health services from

We apply a fair and sustainable fee
to our members. You get the best services
for only 5 euros per month.


Signing of collective labour agreement.

Wage increase.

Reduction of working time.

Emotional well-being.

Psychosocial risks.

Work-life balance.

Fight for diversity.

Equality plans.

Fighting for equal opportunities
for people with disabilities.

Our mission,
vision and values


We are an independent organization.
We are a democratic institution governed by the principles of equality, open information, and participation of all our members in decision making.
We advocate a syndicalism based on the social dialogue, the participation of workers, the negotiation, and the agreement.


The improvement of labor and social conditions of our workers.
The presence of Fetico in European institutions and the collaboration and networking with organizations from other member states to work with a broader approach in the topics of interest for our institution.
The encouragement of social progress values such as solidarity, equality and cohesion.


Respect for diversity
Social Commitment. The 1% of our membership fee is assigned to help the disadvantaged groups through direct support and collaboration with NGOs that work directly with these groups.
Code of ethics that articulates the values of the organization and define the desired behavior of its members. All our members are expected to observe these Code of Ethical Conduct.
Equality, we promote specific measures to foster equalityin the workplace and remove gender discrimination.

What we do?

Our scope of work can be structured in
the following areas of activity:

Social dialog and Collective bargaining

Confederación Sindical Independiente - Fetico is an organization with voice in the social dialogue that participates in the negotiation, consultation, and exchange of information between representatives of national and regional governments, employers and workers on issues of interest.

Fetico represents worker's interests through collective bargaining. The collective agreements signed by Fetico involve more than 400.000 workers in Spain.

Fetico has a wide experience in the field
of training:

Identifying continually the training needs of the labour market through research studies.

Collaborating with national and regional public bodies and other social agents in the development of vocational training policies and initiatives.

Promoting the recognition and certification of competences acquired through non-formal learning or through the professional experience in the commerce sector.

Detecting emerging professions and new competences required in the labour market.

Fetico has its own training center called AULA Fetico with facilities for delivering in-classroom vocational training programs and courses address to workers and job seekers.

Fetico has also a virtual training center (www.aulafetico.es) with resources and tools for delivering e-learning and blended learning programs.


Fetico is deeply involved in the activation of the labour market in Spain. It is an organization accredited as Employment Agency by the Spanish Public Employment Service. This means we collaborate with the National Employment Services in the activity of placemen of unemployed people in the labour market.

We provide employment guidance and professional support especially to those groups with more difficulties to enter or re-enter the labour market as young people, long-term unemployed adults, and low-skilled workers.

We connect demand and supply of employment in the labour market through our Employment Portal: https://fetico.portalemp.com

Health and safety at work

Fetico promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and advice about labour risk prevention and occupational health and safety standards, legislation, and best practices.

Equality and non-discrimination

Fetico works to promote equality and non-discrimination in the workplace through actions, measures, and initiatives to encourage gender equality, reconciliation of work, personal and family life, management of diversity, labour integration of disadvantage groups, etc.

Corporate Social Responsibility-CSR

Our aims go further than the defense of the labor issues. We are aware of our responsibility with the reality in which we live. Fetico has a specific area “Social Commitment” in which we support activities which try to produce a positive impact on society.

Fetico in Europe

Confederación Sindical Independiente - Fetico works actively at European level, promoting the participation of our organization in all those institutions, organizations, projects, and networks that allow us to offer better working conditions and social protection to workers every day.

The objectives of Fetico in Europe are:
To have institutional presence at European level, for a better defence of the common interests of workers.
To encourage collaboration and networking with other organizations and entities from other member states.
To work, with a European approach on those topics of interest to our organization: Employment; Training; Social dialogue; Equal opportunities; Diversity management.

To meet these objectives Fetico participates in different
European working groups, initiatives, projects, and networks.

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