PROJECT: New Challenges +
Ref. Nº: VS/2021/0059
Program: European Program for Employment and Social Innovation- EASI.
Key Action: PROGRESS – Employment
Action Type: Promotion of labor relations and social dialogue
Implementing period: 2021-2022
Leader: Federation of Industrial Workers Unions- OBES-
Partners: The project involves entities representing employer organizations and trade unions from Greece, Italy, Spain and Germany:
- SAE-EPE- Association of SA and Ltd companies (Greece)
- Hellenic Fur Federation (Greece)
- Federazione Agricola Alimentare Ambientale Industriale Italiana - FAI CISL (Italy)
- Confederazione Italiana dei Dirigenti, Quadri ed Impiegati dell’Agricoltura-CONFEDERDIA (Italy)
- Confederation Sindical Independiente-FETICO (Spain)
- Confederacion Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE (Spain)
- Central Office for Vocational Training in the Retail Trade-ZBB associated with the German Retail Association (Germany)
- di – United Services Union (Germany)
Project objective: the project objective is opening a discussion between social partners about how to face new challenges related with the consequences of Covid-19 Pandemic. Final aim is empowering and capacity building of employees’ representatives to face better these challenges.
Results of the Project:
- A preparatory meeting in Greek opening the dialogue between Greek trade unions, employers, experts etc. on new challenges for companies and workers due to the impact of Covid-19.
- Transnational workshops, bilateral discussion groups and national webinars with participation of social partners which will focus on the following subjects:
- Impact of Covid-19 in the need for organizational and technological adaptations.
- Impact of Covid- 19 on economy, companies and workers: workers involvement in designing and implementing measures to address the impact of Covid-19 crisis.
- Impact of Covid-19 conclusions and guidelines for the development of digital skills to workers representatives.
- A Guide for workers titled “Information and consultation in Covid-19 times”, focusing on organizational and digital adaptation of information and consultation processes.
- Online repository with capacity building materials. The repository will include all project products and will be available in English, Italian, German, Spanish and Greek.
- A final transnational conference for the presentation of final Project results.
More information about the project: