Marketing digitally

Project Nº 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059675
Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Implementing period: 2018-2020
Project leader: Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education- KPDNE
Partners: The project involves 6 partners coming from 5 EU countries (Turkey, Italy, Germany, Portugal and Spain)
The project idea grew up combining two main considerations:
1) There is high demand for IT skills: in Europe, 756.000 jobs in the IT field are projected to be vacant by 2020 (Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2016). The paradox is that although millions of Europeans are currently without a job, companies have problems to find skilled digital technology experts.
2) During 2016, one out of five enterprises in the EU-28 made electronic sales. During the period 2008 to 2016, in the EU-28 the percentage of enterprises that had e-sales increased by 7 percentage points and the enterprises' turnover realised from e-sales increased by 6 percentage points.
Project objectives:
- To develop digital skills and knowledge over the digital market to improve the capacity to adapting to changes in the labor market and society.
- To develop training tools to provide high quality learning opportunities to the adults’ sector.
- To foster awareness about adult learning contribution to promote productivity, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
- To improve the quality and the international dimension of adult education staff.
Project results:
1) Curriculum for training of adult trainers
2) Curriculum for entrepreneur (low skilled adults)
3) Training materials for curriculum 1&2
4) An e-Learning platform and virtual digital marketing platform:
- e-learning platform:
- Virtual marketing platform:
More information about the project: